“Hope it all works out!” “Hope you get well soon!” “Hope you find a new job!” “Hope your baby sleeps through the night!”…
These are wishes based on the pursuit of comfort, the want of better circumstances, easier lifestyle, and escape from current challenges. But they’re not hope. When I find myself looking for hope on those terms, I miss it every time. And I have missed it.
I now find myself no longer looking for hope. Instead, I recognize the fact that I have hope, therefore I can look more confidently at my world. This hope isn't based on my comfort level or things going my way, although that would be nice. It's not based on circumstances, political policies, economic status, or my health—and that’s a good thing.
My hope is based on something that won't change; Someone who is outside all of my circumstances, yet intimately acquainted with all aspects of my life. This Someone is never late, neglectful, rude, impatient, or limited in what He does. He is always present, patient, and wise. He gives me what I need as I need it. That Someone is Jesus.
Are you merely hoping, or do you have real hope?
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him…”
– Romans 15:13a (New International Version)
In Moms In Touch groups we always pray a scripture for our children. Romans 15:13 is such a great verse especially for older/adult children who are experiencing new challenges
"May the God of hope fill (my child) with all joy and peace as he/she trusts in Him..."
Praying Scripture is so powerful! One that I love is Philippians 1:9-10: "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ." (NASB)